Saturday, November 18, 2006

Its Just A Fine Day With Many Thoughts

Its been a week past since i blogged. Actually for the past few days of the week have been normal. U can imagine that normal schooling day, attend sch and stuffs. And for today also nothing much happened, except tat one of my fren brought a notebook from sch, appro. $1.5k. A notebook that have the latest Nvida graphics card (support 256 RAM), AMD Turion 64 (2.0ghz), 1 Gb ram. Somemore it is metallic black surface. So Cool! OMG Its like a few times better den mine. I'm so envious of her. Arrrr!!!! Actually quite dui (heartache) but den as u noe nowadays technologies are advancing very fast. So the price will gone down as times go.

Maybe I'm not fated with tat notebook? Haha. All I'm thinking was fate and more fate. I tin i'm obsessed wif fate. LOL. So does fate apply to my "chosen one"? Hope so. I'm still looking forward to tat day.

I realise tat i have only 3 weeks left for my coming CT. Thats freaking fast. Don't u tin tat a week passed wif a blink of eye? 3 more weeks will pass at the speed of light. I'm still slacking. Haha. I have decided to stay back in sch till 7 for next 2 weeks to revise. I tin tat at least in sch library it will keep distraction away. If i come back home after sch, i will glued to my com till going to bed. I calculated i can waste 5++ hrs just hook onto the com. Moreover, is everyday. I really need to do well for this sem. So i have to be discipline myself from now on. Yeah!



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