Monday, December 04, 2006

My heart seems to fly out

Today i had a heart-pounding experience. Firstly I'm nervous for my jap oral test in the morning. But i feel i did my best for it. Yeah! Secondly, I went to see doc on sat for my both toes. Doc ask me come today for op. Both of my toes have given me so much problem. Or isit my fault that i didn't trim properly tat the sides of the nail went into my fresh?

Hopefully, this is the last time (though not the first time) i went to op for the nail to be removed from my toes. I thought that the numbness will cover the pain. But i still feel the pain when to doc removed the nails. I heave a sigh of relieve after the op. If i didn't go for op today, i tin it will be worsen as days pass.



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