Monday, April 23, 2007

Overeall my day nt bad. Jus quite worn out after whole day in sch. Anyway it's been some time since my last time blogging. I did a Global Personality Test. Here's the result

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (63%) moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness (50%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (70%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Now, 2nd year in poly, sch life still the same. Does nt hav any changes compare to last sem. The same old ppl in my class (some of them wif childish thinking), at times, cant even stand dem. But it doesn't affect me much. I still other frens in other courses. Look forward!

Monday, December 04, 2006

My heart seems to fly out

Today i had a heart-pounding experience. Firstly I'm nervous for my jap oral test in the morning. But i feel i did my best for it. Yeah! Secondly, I went to see doc on sat for my both toes. Doc ask me come today for op. Both of my toes have given me so much problem. Or isit my fault that i didn't trim properly tat the sides of the nail went into my fresh?

Hopefully, this is the last time (though not the first time) i went to op for the nail to be removed from my toes. I thought that the numbness will cover the pain. But i still feel the pain when to doc removed the nails. I heave a sigh of relieve after the op. If i didn't go for op today, i tin it will be worsen as days pass.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Its Just A Fine Day With Many Thoughts

Its been a week past since i blogged. Actually for the past few days of the week have been normal. U can imagine that normal schooling day, attend sch and stuffs. And for today also nothing much happened, except tat one of my fren brought a notebook from sch, appro. $1.5k. A notebook that have the latest Nvida graphics card (support 256 RAM), AMD Turion 64 (2.0ghz), 1 Gb ram. Somemore it is metallic black surface. So Cool! OMG Its like a few times better den mine. I'm so envious of her. Arrrr!!!! Actually quite dui (heartache) but den as u noe nowadays technologies are advancing very fast. So the price will gone down as times go.

Maybe I'm not fated with tat notebook? Haha. All I'm thinking was fate and more fate. I tin i'm obsessed wif fate. LOL. So does fate apply to my "chosen one"? Hope so. I'm still looking forward to tat day.

I realise tat i have only 3 weeks left for my coming CT. Thats freaking fast. Don't u tin tat a week passed wif a blink of eye? 3 more weeks will pass at the speed of light. I'm still slacking. Haha. I have decided to stay back in sch till 7 for next 2 weeks to revise. I tin tat at least in sch library it will keep distraction away. If i come back home after sch, i will glued to my com till going to bed. I calculated i can waste 5++ hrs just hook onto the com. Moreover, is everyday. I really need to do well for this sem. So i have to be discipline myself from now on. Yeah!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Weee! I created my blog & my first posting

I finally created my blog. Yeah!
Its been after awhile of consideration then i made my decision to create a blog so that i can write my feelings towards most of the things going on everyday under the sun. In the past thoughts running through my mind if i create a blog, i may not have the time to do the postings. However, i feel that many things happen in our everyday life. Life is unpredictable. So come to think of it, creating a blog, can voice out everything that happened in life.

I never go school today. Cause I'm sick. I getting irritated with my throat. It itch every time, causing me to cough. Arrgggh!!! Hope recover soon. Anyway waking up early in the morning to go opposite of my block to see doctor. I waited for an hr to completed my visit to the clinic. For the rest of the day, i been staying at home, facing my com. After the time had past, i realise that i really wasted it. I had not been doing anything productive for the day. I really need to put more effort in my studies. I cannot let my laziness pull me to the bottom.

I watched the debut HK drama on channel U at night. Basically it was a story of people working in an airport. This episode today was about a female crew (Miss A) working in airport was looking for a doll. She post a notice for the doll on the notice board in the staff lounge of the airport. But the doll was been found by a pilot
(Mr B) in a flea market located in Australia. However, the pilot lost the doll while on his way. Both of them never seen each other before. In a coincidence, both of them met in Rome. As Mr B was inform about his mother whereabouts and Miss A was helping out a friend's cafe. Miss A dropped her bracelet but Mr B found it and return it to her. This is where their fate begins. They met up again at Miss A friend's cafe. Both of them were peeking the opposite. As Mr B was paying his bill, Miss A insert a card of a location in his change. Mr B realize it after he left the place. Both of them turn up at the location of meeting. They saw each other. However, Miss A purposely dropped her bracelet again. She was thinking if they are fated, he will pick it up and return to her. I begin to imagine if my life would turn out to be like that one day. Meet the fated person i have been waiting for so long. Hee :)
